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Textile Sunrise 1

The complex textile structure of the work Textile Sunrise is composed from a traditional and non-traditional mix of materials and techniques: weaving, printing, electronics and code. Interweaving these elements together leads to a dynamic visual effect, which produces nuanced transitions, unlike the binary “on” and “off” modes of simple digital systems.

The “rise” of the textile is achieved through conductive threads that are interwoven in the fabric. The activation of the threads by electrical current creates a gentle transformation in the thermo-chromic colors. 

Textile Sunrise was presented in Jerusalem Design Week and Berlin Design Week, 2019. 


Merav Perez, Ayelet Karmon, Ori Topaz 

Textile Designer
Roni Yeheskel 


Programming and Electronic System design
Zohar Messeca Fara 


Amit El-Ad 


CIRTex – The David & Barbara Blumenthal Israel Center for Innovation and Research in Textiles, Shenkar Department of Textile Design, Shenkar Tortech Nano Fibers – Producer of CNT conductive thread


Watch Textile Sunrise at Jerualem Design Week, 2019 > 


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