Biodegradable Food Packaging
Solutions to replace the usage of plastic containers and wrappers are constantly searched for, with emphasis on using natural ingredients, sustainable processes, and substantial waste recycling.
In this project we develop a new type of food packaging that is based on fish skin gelatin and algae extracts derived from natural, renewable, and sustainable sources.
Combination of fish skin gelatin and algae would create a new generation of food packaging comprised of completely edible and eco-friendly materials and will generate a much faster degradability in comparison with most known packaging materials.
This project is a current collaboration between CIRTex, Shenkar and the Israel Oceanography and Limnology Research, National Center for Mariculture, Eilat.
Project is led by
Dr. Elizabeth Amir, The Scientific head of CIRTex and Dr. Eitan Solomon and Dr. Shay Tal from IOLR, NCM.
Other member of the project
Ori Topaz, Achiad Zilberferb, Gali Cohen and Ron Zenou.